Our weekly Newsletters will be posted below so that you can read them or go back to past Newsletters.

Things to Work on at Home
* Writing your child's first name with capital and lower case letters
* Recognizing and letters, numbers, and shapes
* Counting objects
* Cutting with scissors

Things our Classroom Needs
* Nothing at this time

Things our School Collects
* Box Tops

Future Dates to Keep in Mind:
* Tuesday, August 21 - 6pm-8pm - Family Night (Meet the Teacher, Bring Supplies, Family Picnic)
* Monday, August 27 - First Day! 1/2 Day with Dismissal at 11:30am
* Monday, August 27 - Parent Night 6:30pm
* Friday, August 31 - No School
* Monday, September 3 - No School


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